I am Kasoga Doureen 17 years old a resident of Nabitula village in Ivukula Sub County.I was informed about COHERINET outreach at Ivukula Health Center III through the Village Health Team(VHT). I am unable to speak or hear as a result of severe malaria that I suffered during childhood. I came along with my elder sister Kwagala Doloka who is helping me with communication and interpretation of sign language.


I was tricked by Batambuze a local boda boda guy (boyfriend) who had sex with me without my full consent and I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant with no job and fully dependant on my parents who I’m not willing to disclose to that I’m pregnant. When Batambuze got to know about the pregnancy he rejected it due to my disability and peer pressure from the community regarding how he got to impregnate a deaf and dump girl. This forced him to relocate away from the village to some where he can’t be found.


During COHERINET outreach at Ivukula HC III in Namutumba District, My elder sister Kwagala and I are seeking for Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) services so that I can continue with my normal life. I was given a referral through Aunt KAKI toll free help line to Nsinze Health Centre IV where I was accompanied by my sister and a COHERINET peer ( Namakula Gladys) to receive the service.


I consented to the termination which was successfully provided by the healthcare provider. A follow up was done by the COHERINET peer after 3 days and my condition has fully stabilized and I can now carry on with my duties. I am very grateful to COHERINET for all the guidance and stigma- free counselling towards making my decision.


Note: This story was interpreted by Kwagala Dolaka(not real name), the client’s sister All participants used pseudo-names for security purposes. All places, timelines and events are exactly as shared by the woman

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